Lt. Colonel E. Gene Love
US Army, Retired
US Army, Retired
Gene Love was born 21 November, 1940, in Biscoe, AR. He was commissioned from Ouachita University as a Second Lieutenant of Field Artillery and retired after 21 years of distinguished Army service as a Field Artilleryman, including all traditional company and field grade positions up to and including battalion command. However, his induction is for his immense contributions in his post-service career. There could be no former soldier, no person, living or dead, who has done more to ensure the financial viability of not only the U.S. Field Artillery Association, but the Armed Services YMCA, the Association of U.S. Army, and the Field Artillery Museum on Ft. Sill. He is the most dedicated, professional and accomplished fundraiser associated with the professional aspects of financing our Branch, and his passion for and love of Army installations and the Field Artillery are unparalleled. Mr. Love was responsible for raising nearly $100,000 for the Cannoneer Statue which welcomes all who arrive at Ft. Sill. As Chairman of the Friends of Fort Sill, a non-profit 501(c)(3) chartered with support for our branch museum, Gene personally raised nearly $5,000,000, an unprecedented amount which has made the Field Artillery Museum a star in the Army Museum program. As a board member of the Armed Services YMCA Lawton-Fort Sill Chapter, Gene facilitated the endowment of nearly $470,000, and as head of the Lawton Community Foundation he has ensured $143,000 in scholarship endowment for Field Artillery families, nearly $200,000 in other scholarship funds. No doubt, for the Field Artillery, his most important step was to ensure the viability of the U.S. Field Artillery Association by donating and facilitating the endowment of $446,819, ensuring our beloved Association will remain in perpetuity. There could be no more enduring contribution to the future of the Field Artillery than those made by Gene Love.